The 192nd episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast has been uploaded (right click and save as to download). In this episode, regular host Corporal Hicks joins Still Collating for his first interview with Colin Kelly, creator of the short comic Alien: Utopia from the anthology series Alien: Black, White and Blood. We talk to Jackson Lansing.
We talk about the cultural manipulation of generation ships, the human obsession with Xenomorphs, the development of the Progressive People’s Alliance, and more.
What did you think of the latest episode? Let us know below. Main menu[ニュース]You can also listen to previous episodes in the podcast section under the tab. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available on iTunes, PodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify. No matter what platform you use, be sure to leave us a rating and review.
As always, if you want to see our beautiful faces, you can also watch the video version of the podcast on the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy YouTube channel.
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