galactic war drake I’m back for more!
Strategic overview:
Welcome to another CDP. Today, we’re leveraging the Galaxy/Photon Engine alongside the Starry Knight archetype to give the deck a competitive edge in time for the Christmas season. The Starry Knight archetype consists of level 4 light fairy monsters intended to support level 7 light dragons. Starry Night, Starry Dragon. When this dragon is summoned from the hand, it destroys cards on the field, so the loop back and forth from the field is key, and it produces the following effects. Starry Knight Ciel to Arrival of the Starry Knight. Especially when combined with the theme’s normal traps, starry night blastnullify your opponent’s activated cards and effects and return them to your hand. All these monsters of light have a lot of potential, and that’s where Photon/Galaxy cards come in handy.
The Galaxy/Photon combination archetype consists of light monsters aimed at Xyz Summoning R8NK and R4NK monsters, but provides considerable utility to all light decks. Their newest member is galactic war drake (YGOrg translation)you can special summon yourself from your hand or graveyard when another level 4 light attribute monster is special summoned, and it goes very well with the following cards. Starry Sky Knight Orbitale. Beyond War Drake galaxy summoner You can further enjoy the fun of Xyz Summoning. galaxy photon dragon to starring night. Finally, Emperor Photon and photon jumper A great option to send to GY galaxy hundredadditional normal summons or galaxy cyclone When you want to eliminate a threat in an emergency! The last fun engines currently running are: chamber dragon maid and cleaning up the dragon maidBecause tidying up acts as a great way to both bounce your opponent’s threats while also bouncing Starry Dragon into your hand. Due to the graveyard effect, if you start with one Chamber, you can reliably cycle through three! Get into the early Christmas spirit with the Starry Knight theme.
Decklist provided:
Monster: 20
|Photo Emperor
|||Starry Night, Starry Dragon
||Galaxy Soldier
|||Starry Knight Rayel
||Starry Knight Ciel
|Galaxy Summoner
||Galaxy War Drake
|Starry Knight Flamel
|Starry Knight Aster
|Chamber Dragon Maid
||Starry Sky Knight Orbitale
|Photon JumperSpells: 11
|Galaxy Cyclone
|||Starry Sky Knight Balefire
|||Galaxy Hundred
||Starry Knight Ceremony
||Starry Night SkyTraps: 9
|||Cleaning up the Dragon Maid
|||Starry Night Blast
|Arrival of the Starry Knight
|Silhouette Hat Trick
|Angel Statue – AzurunExtra deck:
| No.38 Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
| No.90 Galaxy Eyes Photon Road
|Galaxy Photon Dragon
| Starring Night
|Evil Swarm Exciton Knight
|Wankey Quartet
|Bolerend Dragon
|Goddess of the underworld in the closed world
|Access code talker
|Nightmare Unicorn
|Galaxy Eyes Solflayer Dragon
|Magician of Light Raina Atsushi
| S:P Little Night
|Silhouette hat rabbit
| I:P Maskerena
Note: This continues the style of Creative Deck Profile articles and is designed to showcase builds through replays and attached summaries. If you would like to see CDPs for your favorite archetypes, themes, or strategies, feel free to private message me on the YGOrg Discord server, the comments section of my YouTube videos, or post a comment in reply to this article. please. We would love to hear about your ideas through our Facebook page or site. In most YGO related communities, my username is Quincymccoy, so feel free to contact me. Currently pending requested profiles include Valkyrie, Ryu-Ge, Supreme King/Odd-Eyes, Asshed, ABC Union, and Cyber.
Coming soon: