There were a lot of counterfeit Apple products circulating in the west of Ireland, but thankfully local authorities acted in time and busted peddlers of these products in four locations. A total of approximately 800 counterfeit items, including AirPods, were seized, with a total value of more than $170,000.
Fake AirPods are much easier to find on the market because it is difficult for buyers to verify authenticity.
A counterfeit Apple product ring was cracked down in County Mayo, and Newstalk and AppleInsider reported that AirPods and various accessories were on the list. The items were seized on Thursdays and Fridays between October 17 and October 18, when Irish police searched locations in Castlebar, Westport, Ballinrobe and Claremorris. The main reason fake iPhone accessories and AirPods are popular items among counterfeiters is because they are easy to manufacture.
The minimalistic packaging has also been recreated to near perfection to avoid suspicion, and previous reports suggest that China has a dedicated factory dedicated to mass-producing thousands of AirPods, and that police have spent about $24 million on them. It is said that the business that made money has been shut down. The value of Apple’s wireless earphones. In the case of iPhones and MacBooks, customers who are accustomed to using these products on a daily basis, or who have keen eye for detail, are more likely to use these devices due to their design or when they first turn on these devices. Sometimes you immediately realize that something is wrong.
To avoid falling victim to such scams, prospective buyers should always request the serial number of their AirPods or other accessories and check it on Apple’s website, where they will be notified in advance. The latest report states that no arrests have been made, but a Garda investigation is currently ongoing. That means we should have an update in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
News source: Newstalk